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H&H 5-Year Old Generoso Doce Madeira

About Tinta Negra

Formerly known as Tinta Negra Mole, Tinta Negra is by far the most widely planted grape on the island, accounting for more than 85% of the total hectares planted (485 ha). Long-prized by growers for its generous yields and adaptability to a wide array of growing conditions, and by winemakers for its chameleon-like expression, producing wines ranging from seco to doce. It forms the basis of all entry-level madeiras which undergo estufagem, but in recent decades winemakers have sought to explore and elevate this ‘workhorse grape’, and it was included in ‘Recommended Varieties’ (castas recomendadas) in 2015, for the first time permitting its name to appear on madeira labels. H&H (with several other producers) has been in the vanguard of its reassessment, producing three colheitas and the island’s first 50-Year Tinta Negra.

Tasting Notes

Deep and complex, the H&H Doce Generoso (Full, Rich) marries concentrated sultana raisin and caramelized citrus fruit to classic bolo de mel flavors: cane sugar, walnut, roasted almond, holiday spice (cinnamon, anise, clove), candied lemon and bitter orange zest. Beautifully calibrated acidity guides the classic Madeirense flavors to a poised, harmonious finish.

Pairing Recommendations

At the table: with a variety of blue-veined cheeses and roasted nuts; with dessert (especially fruit cakes and tarts). After dinner, as a solo digestif or with a medium- or full-bodied cigar (e.g., Davidoff Aniversario No.2). On the bar: in cobblers and sangarees, and with whiskeys, aged rums and tequilas, or as an accent to a variety of punches.
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keeps indefinitely
once openedonce opened
keeps indefinitely
serving suggestionserving suggestionserving suggestionserving suggestion
2 oz. pour

About Henriques & Henriques

It might be said that the history of Henriques & Henriques is the history of Madeira itself. Legend has it that Infante Dom Henriques planted the island’s first vines in 1425. These vines gave fruit to one of the “first families of Madeira” and in the process sunk deep roots which Henriques’ descendants and successors continue to draw upon in guiding H&H today.

João Joaquim Gonçalves Henriques founded the firm in 1850 as a partidista, supplying wine to other merchants from extensive Henriques vineyard holdings while continuing to amass significant stocks of old wines in the family cellars. In 1925, Henriques & Henriques began to bottle and export Madeira produced entirely from their own vineyards—an anomaly amongst producers on the island. Today, Henriques & Henriques is led by CEO and winemaker Humberto Jardim, one of Madeira’s great visionaries and ambassadors. The firm continues to source some of its needs from its own vineyards, most notably from a terraced, 10-hectare vineyard at Quinta Grande—the single largest on island, replanted in 1995.

Against the tides of urban development, H&H have been in the forefront of vineyard planting and preservation of Madeira’s noble varieties: Sercial, Verdelho, Boal, Malvasia and Terrantez, while simultaneously playing a key role in the reappraisal of the underrated Tinta Negra, recently releasing an unprecedented 50-year expression. Likewise, H&H’s age-statement varietal wines are widely regarded as benchmark articulations: always 100% of the stated varietal (e.g., Verdelho), the blend always composed of stocks well in excess of the statement requirement (e.g., 15-year).

Finally, H&H continues to boast an impressive selection of pre-1925 “Garrafeira” (vintage) and Solera bottlings originating in the Henriques’ family cellars. Without question, the most celebrated of these is the “Heavenly Quartet”—four legendary wines from the late 18th century—that are amongst the most transcendent expressions of Madeira extant today. To taste any one of these is, quite literally, to “drink history” itself, as well as to share in the accumulated wisdom—of family, family-owned vineyards and old stocks—that continue to define Henriques & Henriques today. Full details

About Madeira DOC

The archipelago of Madeira has long profited from its position in shipping lanes, from the 1500s, when ships under sail called at Funchal to pick up food and wine before the trade winds blew their ships west to the New World, to today, when cruise ships dock and world travelers sample the foods, crafts, and wines of the island. The Madeira DOC governs the fortified and heated-to-oxidation wines of the island, regulating the grapes, minimum age, and residual sugars of each category. While the Madeira laws give producers plenty of leeway in terms of blending and age statements, Henriques & Henriques’ blending approach is crystal clear—true minimum age statements and only monovarietal wines.


Cepage 100% Tinta Negra
Terrain/Climate mountainous; subtropical but highly varied
Soil Type mixed volcanic (basalt, tufa)
Vine Training latada (pergola)
Harvest mid-August to early October; hand-harvested
Fermentation grapes destemmed; skin maceration; fermented in stainless steel with native yeasts
Fortification neutral grape spirit (96% abv)
Elevage 90-day estufagem, followed by aging in balseiro (large cask) for a minimum of five years
ABV 19%
R.S. 100 g/l
Total acidity 4.74 g/l
Total extract 123.3 g/l
SKU Vintage Region Origin Desc Cepage % Alc Size/Pack Finish BTL Barcode Cs Barcode Cs Wgt
HZ 6528NVMadeiraPTOxidative/Oxidized Wine; Fortified100% Tinta Negra19.0%750/12T Cap56011960107882560119601078215.50 kg

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