portfolio ➜ wines ➜ Sotolon Selections ➜ Madeira
The Heavenly Quartet

H&H boasts an impressive selection of pre-1925 Garrafeira (vintage) and Solera bottlings originating in the Henriques’ family cellars. The most celebrated of these is “The Heavenly Quartet”—four legendary wines from the late 18th century—that are amongst the most transcendent expressions of madeira extant today. To taste any one of these is, quite literally, to “drink history” itself, as well as to share in the accumulated wisdom—of family, family-owned vineyards and old stocks—that continue to define Henriques & Henriques today.
Henriques & Henriques
Portugal ➜ Madeira DOC
20.0% ABV • Fortified, Fully Oxidized, Oxidative