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Timbal Vermut de Reus Extra Dry


50/50 Savory Martini

Stir with ice:

1.5 oz Hayman’s London Dry Gin

1.5 oz Timbal Vermut de Reus Extra Dry

Strain into a coupe.

Garnish with a lemon peel and an olive.

BA to Barcelona

Prepare a double rocks glass or goblet.

Fill with ice.


2.5 oz Timbal Vermut de Reus Extra Dry

0.75 oz Hayman’s Sloe Gin

3 oz tonic water

Garnish with a lemon slice (float on top).

Catalan Kiss

(Savoy Cocktail Book.)

1 oz Cocchi Vermouth di Torino ‘Storico’

1 oz Timbal Vermut de Reus Extra Dry

0.5 oz Byrrh

0.5 oz orange juice

Shake with ice.

Strain into a cocktail glass.

Extra Dry Spritz

Build in a double rocks glass or goblet:

3 oz Timbal Vermut de Reus Extra Dry

3 oz light tonic water

Garnish with an orange slice (float on top).

Pickled Peach Cooler

Build in a goblet filled with ice:

2.5 oz Timbal Vermut de Reus Extra Dry

0.5 oz Rothman & Winter Orchard Peach liqueur

3 oz club soda

Garnish with a lemon peel.

The Prime Directive no. 1

Stir with ice:

1 oz Timbal Vermut de Reus Extra Dry

1 oz Salers Gentian Apéritif

1 oz Byrrh Grand Quinquina

Strain into a coupe.

Garnish with lemon peel.