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Vintages & Age Statements for 2004

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Etter Kirsch Eau-de-Vie 2004 bottle

Etter Kirsch Eau-de-Vie 2004

SwitzerlandZug AOP 42.0% ABV

42.0% ABV

The Etter family was distilling kirsch made from one single variety of cherry before the word “vintage” had ever been used. Etter’s old vintage Kirsch “AOP Zug” comes only from years of particularly good harvests of the “Lauerz” mountain cherry, which grows in tall trees located in a sunny position on the Zugerberg mountain. Long storage in 50-litre glass demijohns is necessary for the intensely concentrated flavors to meld together to reveal the true character of each year. Fluctuating temperatures in old barns where Etter “hides” these demijohns enable the young, rather raw, single-variety distillate to mature into a kirsch typical of the year in question. Savor slowly, as the flavors unfold unlike any other fruit brandy. Full details

Etter Kirsch Eau-de-Vie 2004 label