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An example of the Génépy Tonic, the mixed drink (drink) featuring Meunier Génépy ‘Altitude’ Liqueur, tonic water, and lemon twist

 Génépy Tonic

Build in a highball glass filled with ice:

2 oz Meunier Génépy 'Altitude' Liqueur

2 to 4 oz tonic water

Garnish with a lemon peel.

Meunier Génépy ‘Altitude’ Liqueur bottle

Meunier Génépy ‘Altitude’ Liqueur

FranceIsère 42.0% ABV

42.0% ABV

High in the French Alps, sensations are more intense and the mountain air is dry and pure. And so it is with this legendary alpine herbal liqueur, associated with this mountain region for centuries, its expression marked by local herbs and a subtle sweetness. Principal among these is génépy (sometime spelled ‘génépi), a variety of petite artemisia, or mountain sage, found in the high mountains of Isère, Savoie and the Haut-Savoie. Its fresh, bright floral and herbal flavors have long been associated with the mountain air and adventure. Today, it remains a darling of fine dining and Alpine ski resorts, served on the rocks or with tonic, and the house founded more than 200 years ago by Charles Meunier remains one of its chief exemplars. Full details

Meunier Génépy ‘Altitude’ Liqueur label

SKU Vintage Region Origin Desc Cepage % Alc Size/Pack Finish BTL Barcode Cs Barcode Cs Wgt
HZ 9580NVIsèreFRLiqueur; Herbal42.0%700/12screwcap33087800369031330878003690015.65 kg