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An example of the Génépy Swizzle, the mixed drink (drink), by Based on the Chartreuse Swizzle by Marcovaldo Dionysos, San Francisco, California, featuring Dolin Génépy le Chamois Liqueur, pineapple juice, John D. Taylor’s Velvet Falernum, lime juice, and pineapple leaf; photo by Lee Edwards

 Génépy Swizzle

Prepare a pilsner glass rinsed with mezcal and filled with crushed ice.

Build in the prepared glass:

1.25 oz Dolin Génépy le Chamois Liqueur

0.5 oz John D. Taylor’s Velvet Falernum

1 oz pineapple juice

0.5 oz lime juice


Garnish with a pineapple leaf.

Based on the Chartreuse Swizzle by Marcovaldo Dionysos, San Francisco, California

Floral/Herbal/Amaro Liqueurs
Dolin Génépy le Chamois Liqueur bottle

Dolin Génépy le Chamois Liqueur

FranceSavoie 45.0% ABV

45.0% ABV

Génépy (sometimes spelled Génépi) is a legendary alpine herbal liqueur that dates back many hundreds of years. While comprised of a multitude of alpine herbs, the most prominent is Génépy, a petite variety of artemesia (often translated into English as “mountain sage”) found principally in the high mountains of the Savoy. Its bright herbal and fresh flavors have long been associated with the mountain air and adventure. Today it is still the darling of French ski resorts and fine dining, served on the rocks or with tonic water, and very welcome after a fondue. Using its own alembic still, Dolin has made this Génépy from local farmers’ herbs since 1821. Full details

Dolin Génépy le Chamois Liqueur label

SKU Vintage Region Origin Desc Cepage % Alc Size/Pack Finish BTL Barcode Cs Barcode Cs Wgt
HZ 9575NVSavoieFRLiqueur; Herbal45.0%750/12screwcap32745100036161327451000361315.30 kg
Rum/Rum Liqueurs
John D. Taylor’s Velvet Falernum bottle

John D. Taylor’s Velvet Falernum

West IndiesBarbados 11.0% ABV

11.0% ABV

Falernum is indigenous to Barbados, where Velvet Falernum is a longtime staple item of its many resorts and bars. The sweetness, spice and almond character of this rum-based liqueur provides weight and texture to classic rum and wine punches. Today, Falernum is a staple for tropical drinks such as swizzles, Zombies, and other Tiki drinks. Try the island favorite with 2 parts aged rum, 3 dashes Angostura and a squeeze of lime. Add to wine and orange juice for a quick, delicious Sangria. John D Taylor’s Velvet Falernum is considered by many as the original Falernum, and is today produced by famed rum distiller R.L. Seale Ltd. Full details

John D. Taylor’s Velvet Falernum label

SKU Vintage Region Origin Desc Cepage % Alc Size/Pack Finish BTL Barcode Cs Barcode Cs Wgt
HZ 8020NVBarbadosBBRum Liqueur11.0%750/12screwcap72480300105672480300188316.90 kg