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 A Farewell to Hemingway

Shake with ice:

3 oz Etter Kirsch

1 oz lime juice

0.25 oz raspberry syrup

Fine strain into double collins glass with crushed ice.

Top with club soda.

Garnish with lime twist.

Charles Baker

Etter Kirsch AOP Zug Eau-de-Vie bottle

Etter Kirsch AOP Zug Eau-de-Vie

SwitzerlandZug AOP 41.0% ABV

41.0% ABV

The name Etter is synonymous with Swiss Kirsch, made by the same family since 1870. In this bottle is distilled more than 10 pounds of fresh mountain cherries exclusively of the region surrounding Zug. The brandies gently evolve for years in glass demijohns before bottling. Kirsch is famously enjoyed sipped neat after dinner, or as aperitif mixed with club soda. In cocktails it pairs magically with Génépy. In the kitchen, it's an essential ingredient in a traditional fondue. Full details

Etter Kirsch AOP Zug Eau-de-Vie label

SKU Vintage Region Origin Desc Cepage % Alc Size/Pack Finish BTL Barcode Cs Barcode Cs Wgt
HZ 5070NVZugCHBrandy; Fruit41.0%375/12T Cap761069340003776106930019998.76 kg